Rowan College of South Jersey

Online Registration

MS Excel Beginner Course

Dates:February 3-10, 2024
Meets:Sa from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Cost: $139.00

Online registration is not available at this time. Please contact our office for more information.

Support Person: Continuing Education Staff  Phone: 856-415-2216

This course will introduce you to Microsoft Excel basics including creating spreadsheets, formulas, functions, text formatting and charts. At the completion of this course, you will be able to perform basic Excel skills such as modifying an existing worksheet, building worksheets, copying and moving cells and much more.


To register please call 856-415-2216
Fee: $139.00

Deborah Petruzzi

Date Day Time Location
02/03/2024Saturday9 AM to 1 PM Career and Technical Education Bldg.
02/10/2024Saturday9 AM to 1 PM Career and Technical Education Bldg.